Session 24 – Publishing in international peer-reviewed journals

Timetable: Friday afternoon 1400-1630 in the Sonya Atalay Zoom Room

Format: Workshop

Session organiser: Robert Witcher, Editor Antiquity

This session will provide early career researchers with insights into the journals publishing process, using Antiquity as a case study (other journals are available!). The session will include a presentation to provide an overview of each step of the process for publishing in an international journal, from structuring your manuscript, through the submission, peer review and editorial decision-making processes, to post-acceptance editing, publication, publicity and metrics. The session will provide practical guidance on how to improve your chances of publication in a selective journal by avoiding common errors and by taking simple steps to ensure that manuscripts address the key criteria that reviewers are asked to evaluate. The presentation will be followed by an opportunity for questions and answers, and time for one-to-one discussion.

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